Saturday, May 2, 2009

Dear Cottonwood:

I took a ride through the Wilderness Trail(south edge of Lincoln) the other day and found this wise old cottonwood. The cottonwood stood next to the trail near the tracks and has lost a lot of its height due to high winds taking down its large limbs. Still reaching your eyes to the top there was hope as there were some branches budding. Still living...still promising the following day's sunrise I suppose.
The early evening ride proved cool breezes and gnats in my face. Still the scent of nature breaking the winter's hold was overwhelming enough, even to deter the thought of picking off ticks at the end of the ride. The Earth is shall continue its life well past our turn. There in that lies my truest appreciation for us and our everyday moments to breathe, share and love.

I started on crushed white rock and took a side dirt track leading into the deep canopy of the woods. Short locusts, elms....oaks and seedlings of all sorts gathered my widened view.
The short grass running with me along the curvy path was a welcoming bright green. Robins called out my presence as well as many bumblebees roaming the forest floor gathering their sweet treats.

More deer than you can throw a stick and the occasional owl, red fox and turkey.

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